When to Consider Mole Removal: Signs, Risks, and Cosmetic Considerations

Mole removal in Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, and Arcadia, FL, is a serious consideration and not one to take lightly. Dr. Manuel Hernandez is a board-certified dermatologist who can provide the information and services that you desire. Depending on the condition of the mole and its location, removal may be the right option for you. 

What is a mole?

 A mole in a bunch of melanocytes. Melanocytes are made up of melanin, which are the cells that determine the color of your skin. These clumps of cells are common and most people have them. They are larger than freckles but are made up of the same types of cells. Moles are caused when the cells are not distributed evenly. 

When should I be concerned about moles?

 Most moles occur in the first 20 years of life and an average person can have ten to forty moles. Most moles are not dangerous and are benign. There are some signs, however, that you should look for and if you see them, it is essential that you go see your dermatologist. You may need to consider mole removal in Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, and Arcadia, FL. 

Look for:

  • Moles that are larger than 6mm
  • Moles that are bloody
  • Moles that are itchy or crusty
  • Moles that have irregular edges and colors

 Any mole that looks odd or seems to be growing needs to be looked at. 

How are moles removed?

 Dermatologists use two types of removal for moles; shaving and excision. Shaving removes the mole using a razor under local anesthesia. Removal is down to the level of the surrounding skin. It is best used for small moles. This procedure does not require any stitches. With excision, the mole is surgically removed and stitches will be required. It is best for a large or deep mole. The surgery is safe, and every effort will be made to minimize scarring. 

Cosmetic considerations

 Some people think their moles are unattractive and, at this point, you may want to consider removal for a cosmetic reason. If your moles are making you self-conscious and affecting your self-esteem, removal can help to make you happier with what you look like. This can be especially true for moles that are located on the face. The removal process is low-risk and can be done in the office under local anesthesia. 

The main risk with moles is that the biopsy will show that it is cancerous. Early detection and removal are your best safeguard against skin cancer of all types. 

If you are considering mole removal and live in Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, and Arcadia, FL, give Dr. Hernandez a call at 941-764-7773 to schedule a consultation at his Port Charlotte Office today.